Cookie Policy

1. What are Cookies? Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit websites. They help improve your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and providing analytics data.

2. Types of Cookies

  • Session Cookies: Temporary cookies that expire when you close your browser.
  • Persistent Cookies: Cookies that are stored on your device for a specified period.
  • First-party Cookies: Set by the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party Cookies: Set by third-party services integrated into the website.

3. How We Use Cookies We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To improve website functionality.
  • To analyze website traffic and user behavior.
  • To personalize your experience.
  • To provide targeted advertising.

4. Managing Cookies You can control and delete cookies in your browser settings. However, disabling cookies may affect your experience on our website.

5. Changes to the Cookie Policy We may update this Cookie Policy as needed. Please review it regularly for any changes. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at